Monday, 30 November 2015

Reality show star- Felicia Modise

Reality star Felicia Modise

Modise answered six questions that give a little insight into her personality.

1. How do you express your love?
For me to be there for the next person no matter what, that’s the best way to express love.

2. The best way to get over a break up?
 There is no best way but for me, time heals.

3.The one thing that you don’t like about yourself?
I bite my lower lip, and it's irritating. I need to be find a way to stop it. Any tips?

4.What is your favorite meal?
It has to be Chicken curry.

5. How important is healthy lifestyle to you?
It's the way to go! I watch what I eat and drink lots of water. It helps also with a skin tone.

6. If you are not on screen what do you get up to?
I spend time with my daughter, attend acting workshops and I like watching movies.

It is a privilege to be your agent!

You can catch Felicia Modise on Diski Divas and her Facebook page.